ScandBook GRI Report 2023

Publication date 2024-09-10

Sustainable development- The 17 goals

CEO Letter

This year, we released our second Sustainability Report, adhering to global GRI standards. This report stands out due to its structured format, presenting each GRI index separately in a table format and, thus, seeking to focus on the sustainability concerns most important to our stakeholders in an even clearer manner.

Throughout 2023, we remained focused on the most important matters identified in our materiality analysis and the goals set in previous years. This period was steady as we continued our efforts to minimise our impact and lead in the sustainable development of our business.

We continued our efforts to reduce our environmental impact. Our total GHG emissions decreased by approx. 26% from 2022 to 2023. During the reporting period we continued to adhere to strict environmental standards, screen our suppliers, and purchase carbon credits for areas beyond our control. We also continued to address sustainable material consumption, water usage, and waste management.

In the social area, we maintained our focus on employee well-being, health and safety, diversity, quality, and inclusion. We are committed to enhancing safety culture even further, addressing workplace improvements, investing in quality resources, and maintaining high standards for overall equipment and facilities.

In governance and economic matters, we prioritised sustaining a responsible supply chain, customer satisfaction and product quality, business ethics and compliance. Moving forward, we intend to implement even more rigorous environmental and social evaluations of our suppliers to ensure they meet our sustainability standards, further improve the quality of our products and services, and consistently adhere to established policies.

This Sustainability Report provides detailed insights into our key sustainability areas, achievements, and goals across each domain. We are committed to our sustainability objectives and dedicated to engaging with all stakeholders as we work to continuously improve our sustainability performance.

Chief Executive Officer Paulius Juška

GRI Content Index

Statement of use ScandBook Group has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2023.
GRI 1 used GRI 1: Foundation 2021
Applicable GRI Sector Standards Not applicable
GRI Standard Disclosure


GRI 2-1
Organisational details

This is ScandBook Group’s (hereinafter – Scandbook; the Group) report which consists of privately held and incorporated entities, with its headquarters at Falun, Sweden.

Countries of operation: Lithuania and Sweden

GRI 2-2
Entities included in the organisation’s sustainability reporting

The Group consists of a parent company, ScandBook Holding AB (located in Falun, Sweden), and its two trading subsidiaries and production facilities, ScandBook AB in Sweden and ScandBook UAB in Lithuania.
There are no differences between the list of entities included in its financial reporting and the list included in its sustainability reporting.

GRI 2-3
Reporting period, frequency and contact point

This is an annual Sustainability Report published for the period from 1 January until 31 December 2023, provided for the same period as the annual financial statements.
Questions or feedback on this report and Scandbook’s sustainability activities can be submitted through

GRI 2-4
Restatements of information

The Group has not made any restatement in the reporting period.

GRI 2-5
External assurance

The report was prepared in consultation with external sustainability experts but was not audited.

The Group’s Chief Executive Officer (hereinafter – the CEO) and the Chairman of the Board approved the contents of this report.

GRI 2-6
Activities, value chain and other business relationships

ScandBook Group is a leading book printing company in Scandinavia. The Group specialises in producing hard and soft cover books of various sizes for publishing houses and other business clients. In addition to printing and binding books, ScandBook also provides various solutions and services for post-book production, such as book mixing, book slipcase and/or shop stand fitting, labelling, shrink wrapping, box or loose packaging, and distribution of books, among many others.

The Group’s main suppliers are paper manufacturers, providing both roll and sheet paper, and based in the EU (FSC certified). Printing dye suppliers are also based in the EU. Scandbook has long-standing and reliable partnerships with these suppliers.

ScandBook’s key activities generating sustainability impacts include material sourcing and purchasing, acquisition of printing machinery and its maintenance, employee recruitment, training and professional development, and B2B client management while meeting their ESG-related needs and requirements.

The Group strives to realise its strategy while considering the environmental, social, and governance impacts of its activities. The Group’s key sustainability principles are elaborated further in this report.

More information on ScandBook’s business concept, vision and strategy is available on our website.

GRI 2-7

At the end of last year, there were a total of 206 employees working in both our locations, Lithuania and Sweden. Almost all of our staff were full-time employees working on a permanent employment contract. There were no significant fluctuations in the number of employees between the current and previous reporting periods.
The total number of employees split by gender, region and contract types

Total number

Permanent contract

Temporary contract

Full-time contract

Part-time contract

Total number

Permanent contract

Temporary contract

Full-time contract

Part-time contract



All employees, of which:











By gender:






















By location:






















Notes: The number of employees is disclosed as a head count and reported as of 31th of December, 2023. The Group does not hire any employees as per non-guaranteed-hours contracts.

GRI 2-8
Workers who are not employees

The Group does not track the information on the total number of third-party workers, providing services to the Group in its premises (e.g. Biuro, Amber, other service and maintenance support companies) who are not employees of the Group. The number of such employees would be relatively small and not material regarding sustainability impacts.

GRI 2-9
Governance structure and composition

ScandBook Group governance structure

ScandBook’s governing bodies consist of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors, the CEO, and the auditors. The auditors examine the annual report and the administration of the Board of Directors and the CEO.

The Board in ScandBook is the highest managing body and bears ultimate responsibility for the company’s organisation and the management of the company’s affairs. In 2023, it consisted of 5 members, out of whom 4 were men and 1 was a woman. The Board had one employee representative. More information about its composition can be found on our website.

The CEO is responsible for the day-to-day management and operation of the company in accordance with the Board’s guidelines and directions. The division of labour between the Board and the CEO has been established in written instructions.

Sustainability management

Management of the environmental, social and economic impact of the Group is overseen by the Chairman of the Board of Directors (hereinafter – the Board) and the Group’s Chief Executive Officer (hereinafter – the CEO).
More information on the Group’s governance model, the composition of the Board and its selection processes (The Nominating Committee) is provided on our website as well as Annual Reports (in Swedish).

GRI 2-10
Nomination and selection of the highest governance body

At the Annual General Meeting, the shareholders elect the Board of Directors and auditors for 1 year at a time. The Board of Directors appoint the President.

The Nominating Committee submits proposals for Board members and auditors for election at the General Meeting of Shareholders, which is held within 6 months of the end of the financial year.

More information on the Group’s governance model, the composition of the Board and its selection processes (The Nominating Committee) is provided on our website as well as Annual Reports (in Swedish).

GRI 2-11
Chair of the highest governance body

The Board’s Chairman did not hold other important (high-level management) positions in the Group.

GRI 2-12
Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts

The Chairman of the Board of Directors acts in collaboration with the Board members who are responsible for developing, approving, and updating the Group’s sustainable development objectives, as well as allocating funding for their implementation.
The effectiveness of governance bodies in handling environmental, social, and governance impacts is assessed through ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 audits, as well as through quarterly Board overviews of the Group’s performance and financial outcomes.

GRI 2-13
Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts

Responsibility for sustainability in day-to-day operations is delegated by the Board to the sustainability working group: responsible managers and employees according to the material sustainability topics, managed by the Quality management specialist.
The appointed responsible persons report on the results of environmental, social and economic impact management to the Board in its quarterly meetings.

GRI 2-14 
Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting

The Sustainability Reports are prepared by the sustainability working group and presented for approval to the CEO and the Chairman of the Board.

GRI 2-15
Conflicts of interest

The potential risk of conflicts of interest amongst the Group’s governance bodies is assessed during the annual audit, and the auditor presents its conclusion. In 2023, no conflicts of interest were identified.

GRI 2-16
Communication of critical concerns

Sustainability concerns are reported to the Board as they arise, either informally or during the quarterly Board meetings. In the year 2022, the Board was informed about potential paper supply shortages and delayed paper delivery times. Actions were taken to look into alternatives and new suppliers were tested. In 2023, maintaining the stability of the paper supply chain continued to be crucial for controlling the price benchmarks established in 2022.

GRI 2-17
Collective knowledge of the highest governance body

The Group consistently takes actions to enhance the expertise, abilities, and know-how of its governance bodies concerning sustainable development (e.g. members attend various conferences and events).

GRI 2-18
Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body

The effectiveness of governance bodies in handling environmental, social, and governance impacts is assessed through ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 audits, as well as through quarterly Board overviews of the Group’s performance and financial outcomes.
In 2022, the registered accounting firm Ernst & Young was elected as auditors with Gunilla Andersson as auditor in charge for the period until the next Annual General Meeting. In 2024, Grant Thornton AB was appointed auditor of the Company up to the end of the 2024 AGM, with Ida Sparrfeldt as auditor in charge. The Group’s auditor reports her observations from examining the financial statements and her assessment of the Group’s internal control to the Board.

GRI 2-19
Remuneration policies

Reason for omission: Information is confidential due to General Data Protection Regulation compliance policies

GRI 2-20
Process to determine remuneration

Reason for omission: Information is confidential due to General Data Protection Regulation compliance policies.

GRI 2-21
Annual total compensation ratio

Information is confidential due to General Data Protection Regulation compliance policies.

GRI 2-22
Statement on sustainable development strategy

See CEO letter p. x

GRI 2-23
Policy commitments

We incorporate sustainability principles into our overarching business strategy, operations, key performance indicators, and stakeholder management. The main documents, presenting our commitment to sustainable, responsible, and ethical business practices are the Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Conduct, Environmental Policy and other pertinent policies.

We have integrated the following key sustainability principles across our Group:

  • Implementing sustainability across the three areas – environmental, social and governance (ESG) – for sustainable and long-term value creation.
  • Integrating good governance practices recommended by the globally renowned Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
  • Supporting and being guided by the United Nations Global Compact, while promoting its principles on human and workers’ rights, environment protection, and corruption prevention.
  • Contributing to implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Adhering to the common objectives on climate change set by the European Green Deal and the Paris Agreement.
  • Considering our stakeholder expectations, upholding our commitments to them, and engaging them transparently and fairly.
  • Taking a precautionary approach when setting sustainability targets, i.e. using the best available scientific recommendations at hand regarding environmental protection.
  • Carrying out due diligence on the group’s environmental, social and economic impact.

At ScandBook, we understand the importance of sustainable development. Consequently, we have set objectives to formulate our sustainability strategy and establish a framework to incorporate responsible business practices throughout all levels of our organisation, integrating them into our business strategy, policies, and procedures.

The policy commitments are communicated to our employees through informational announcements and are always available though our HR department. For the broader public, these commitments are published on our website. For strategically important partners, we prepare and distribute dedicated informational bulletins.

GRI 2-24
Embedding policy commitments

For more information see GRI 2-23

The company embeds its policy commitments for responsible business conduct and to respect human rights throughout its activities and business relationships by allocating responsibility across different levels within the organisation. Employees receive training on these commitments, while clients are informed during meetings. Public transparency and third-party audits also help reinforce these commitments.

GRI 2-25
Processes to remediate negative impacts

Depending on the nature of the negative impact, ScandBook shall, by the Group’s procedures, investigate the violation, report it to management and the responsible authorities, and undertake to remedy and/or repair the damage. If no specific internal procedure is outlined, the Group will act in accordance with legal requirements.
The Group checked the effectiveness of grievance mechanisms and processes through SEDEX audits, which verified their presence and functionality of the mechanisms. No discrepancies were identified. The Group also aims to expand the existing mechanism by creating a dedicated platform to facilitate access.

Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns

Individuals or other relevant parties who suspect, encounter or have undergone any type of breach by ScandBook Group activity can raise their concerns through anonymous complaints boxes at the Group’s physical locations, or send an e-mail to All the submitted concerns or reports are examined and addressed according to the company’s Code of Conduct and/or locally applicable laws.

GRI 2-27
Compliance with laws and regulations

During the reporting period there were no recorded incidents of non-compliance with laws and regulations.

GRI 2-28
Membership associations

We are members of NOPA, Intergraf, Science Based Target Initiative, Sedex.

GRI 2-29
Approach to stakeholder engagement

Continuously engaging with our stakeholders and meeting their expectations is of utmost importance to ensure the sustainability of ScandBook activities. In one of the steps of assessing materiality of sustainability topics, we conducted an anonymous survey to gather information on the most crucial sustainability topics for our Group’s stakeholders. We selected four primary stakeholder groups for this survey: our clients, employees, the Board, and suppliers. The survey was conducted in June 2023 by distributing questionnaires to targeted contacts within each stakeholder group.

Collective bargaining agreements   

The group does not have collective bargaining agreements with its employees.

GRI 3-1
Process to determine material topics

At the beginning of 2023, we carried out our first materiality analysis of sustainability topics adhering to GRI standards. The aim of this assessment was to identify our key environmental, social and governance topics to continue developing the Group’s sustainability strategy and provide detailed information on their management in sustainability reports.
The results of the materiality analysis are presented later in this report.
Key steps in assessing materiality were as follows:
Identification of relevant topics for our sector.
We began the assessment by reviewing topics of interest to businesses in the field of book printing and other closely related sectors and compiled a list of potential sustainability topics. Additionally, we identified topics that are recommended by other acknowledged sustainability standards.
Assessment of the topics that are most important to stakeholders.
Continuously engaging with our stakeholders and meeting their expectations is of utmost importance to ensure the sustainability of ScandBook activities. We conducted an anonymous survey to gather information on the most crucial sustainability topics for our Group’s stakeholders. We selected four primary stakeholder groups for this survey: our clients, employees, the Board, and suppliers. The survey was conducted in June 2023 by distributing questionnaires to targeted contacts within each stakeholder group.
Impact and risk assessment.
We evaluated every sustainability topic with regard to its potential effects on the environment and society, as well as its influence on our Group’s performance. During this phase, we discussed the primary risks and opportunities associated with sustainability and their potential financial implications for our Group companies. The final result is summarised in a materiality matrix presented further.

Materiality matrix

The materiality matrix highlights the key social, environmental, and governance areas that are most significant for ScandBook Group’s sustainability efforts. While all these topics bear importance, we’ve classified and prioritized them based on two factors: their significance to stakeholders and their influence on society, the environment, and the Group’s financial performance.

Material topics, represented by the darkest colour in the matrix, are those of utmost importance to stakeholders and wield a profound impact on society, the environment, and the Group’s overall results.

Importance to our stakeholders Very important (S) Employee wellbeing (G) Customer satisfaction
(G) Product safety & quality
(E) Energy and climate
Important (S) Health & safety (E) Waste reduction (incl. packaging)
(E) Resource efficiency
(E) Supporting sustainable forestry
Moderately important (G) Good governance practices
(S) Diversity, equality & inclusion
(G) Business ethics & compliance
(incl. anti-corruption)
(G) Responsible supply chain

Moderately significant


Very significant

Impact on society, environment and ScandBook business results

(E) – Environmental; (S) – Social; (G) – Governance (Economic)
GRI 3-3 The management principles for all material topics are described in accordance with GRI requirements in dedicated sections of this report.

Social area

Management of material topics

In our daily operations and policies, we place a strong emphasis on the topics of occupational health & safety, ensuring and protecting labour rights, and promoting diversity, equality and inclusion.
To ensure employee well-being and safety, we continuously improve the working environment, provide employees with all the necessary training according to the job’s specifics, ensure proper maintenance of equipment and premises, and create quality rest areas.
Our recent actions:

  • Membership was established with Sedex, accompanied by the completion of a comprehensive four-step SMETA audit. Audit details are available on our website.
  • We hired 22 people directly from the temporary employment company.
  • Regular health assessments were conducted for our employees, and vaccinations against the flu were offered to all who were interested.
  • Employees were covered by extended accident insurance. Compared to 2022 the insurance was extended and now covers critical and other illnesses, loss of working capacity.
  • Training sessions continued for our employees, focusing on the safe handling of chemicals, workplace safety, and other job-specific scenarios.
New employee hires and employee turnover

Total number per category

New employee hires

Rate per category (%)

Employee turnover1

Rate per category (%)

Total number per category

New employee hires

Rate per category (%)

Employee turnover1

Rate per category (%)



By gender:






















By age:  
Up to 30






















More than 50











By location:  






















Notes: 1 As per the definition by GRI Standards, employee turnover includes employees who leave the organization voluntarily or due to dismissal, retirement, or death in service.

402-1 At ScandBook we apply a minimum of 2 weeks notice period provided to employees prior to the implementation of significant operational changes that could substantially affect them.
Management of material topics

ScandBook endeavours to provide its employees with a safe, healthy and secure work environment. We comply with and expect our employees to observe all applicable health, safety, environmental and labour laws. Ensuring employee health & safety is one of the key pillars of the Group’s policy, controlled not only by its companies but also by external institutions.
Every year, we ensure our employees receive various necessary occupational safety training, such as fire drills, training on the safe lifting of heavy equipment, safe use of forklifts and others. Contracts with medical facilities are in place to ensure quality periodic employee health check-ups.
Future goals:

  • Enhance Occupational Safety Training: We are committed to providing comprehensive training to further improve employee knowledge in occupational safety.
  • Address Workplace Improvement: We will address questions related to workplace improvements promptly and effectively.
  • Invest in Quality Work Attire and Tools: We will continue to invest in the most suitable work attire and high-quality tools for our employees.
  • Maintain Equipment and Premises: We will uphold rigorous standards for the maintenance of equipment and premises.
Occupational health and safety management system

We have implemented a health and safety management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 45001, which covers all our employees, activities, and workplaces. The system is periodically audited or certified by acknowledged organisations and standard setters. Responsible employees in our Group companies are provided with periodic ISO-related training.

Work-related injuries

During the reporting period, there were no high-consequence work-related injuries in the Group. The Group’s employees had a total of 4 minor accidents during the year, which happened mainly due to failure to comply with mandatory health and safety procedures.

Measuring units



Recordable work-related injuries (minor accidents at work)




Number of recordable work-related injuries (minor accidents) per 200,000 hours worked1




Note: 1 The total recordable injury rate per 200,000 hours worked is calculated using the GRI 403-9 formula. A rate based on 200,000 hours worked is chosen as it is more suitable for organisations similar to our size. If calculated per million hours worked, the rate would be 12.2. The total number of hours worked by all our employees in 2023 was 328 422.

Work-related hazards

The Group continuously assesses, identifies and ensures precautionary measures to manage the main risks that could lead to serious health consequences for employees. The main risks identified are:

  • Acoustic noise
  • Working at computers (back, neck and shoulder pains, eye strain, etc.)
  • Repetitive work movements
  • Manual handling of loads
  • Chemical substances (inks, varnishes), dust
  • Driving vehicles

To date, the Group has successfully prevented these risks from causing any significant health-related impacts. Looking ahead, the Group’s priority is to continue to inform and involve employees in creating a safety culture, so that they handle their tasks with more caution and follow all safety instructions.

Management of material topics

ScandBook is committed to creating and maintaining a work environment free of harassment, intimidation and discrimination. All employees and managers must fulfil this commitment by following our principles and policies on equality, non-discrimination, personal privacy and reporting. Employees witnessing or becoming subject to discrimination, harassment or any act of similar kind, have both an obligation and a right to report such conduct to their manager (supervisor), representative of the Human Resources or Legal Department. These and additional rules are set in place by our Code of Conduct, Equal Rights Policy, and Whistleblowing Policy.
In 2023, we did not identify any human rights risks or human rights violations within our activities or amongst our suppliers. This was confirmed by a Sedex SMETA audit, which found no incidents.
Future goal:

  • Enhance Training Programs: We aim to seek out and actively engage in training programs focused on enhancing our expertise in this area, thereby deepening our employees’ knowledge.
Diversity of governance bodies and employees

All employees

The Board

All employees

The Board




























Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken

The policies we have in place proved to be effective as there were no incidents of discrimination identified during the reporting period. However, ScandBook is constantly evolving in accordance with the changing environment, and we continue to provide our employees with the necessary information and training.

Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk

So far we have not identified any operations or suppliers in which workers’ rights to exercise freedom of association may be at significant risk.

Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labour

So far we have not identified any operations or suppliers considered to have significant risk for incidents of child labour.

Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labour

So far we have not identified any operations or suppliers considered to have significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labour.

Our actions in this area align with:

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all Reduce inequality within and among countries

Environmental area

GRI 3-3
Management of material topics

As players of the book printing industry, we pay particular attention to mitigating climate change impacts related to our activities. The book symbolizes education and science, emphasizing the importance of respecting our product and its production processes. Our commitment to environmentally friendly solutions is driven by this respect. We face strict demands from both customers and public authorities that prohibit the polluting products. Consequently, as we aspire to be a pioneering force in our industry, we are dedicated to doing everything within our means to reduce and compensate our emissions in the entire value chain.
Key actions taken in 2023:

  • We effectively offset our carbon footprint (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by adhering to rigorous environmental standards, fulfilling client expectations, and purchasing carbon credits for those impact areas where we lack control or capacity to reduce emissions.
  • Since 1 January 1 2022,  we have initiated emissions compensation according to Scope 3, with the responsibility to compensate all emissions up to clients’ doors (also called “cradle to gate”). We continue our commitment made in 2022, thus, addressing all three Scopes and collaborating closely with customers to meet their needs.
  • In collaboration with South Pole, we have developed a Best-Practice Document for paper, printing, and publishing operations to establish a unified standard to define and meet the set goals.
  • To bolster our commitments, we continue being members of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). This membership entails setting scientifically-backed goals for reducing our future environmental footprint and executing an action plan to achieve them.
  • During 2023 we invested in our energy infrastructure with focus to reduce dependency on third party energy suppliers. Thus, helping us monitor energy prices more closely and have better control over energy price changes and green energy.
  • In Klaipeda, Lithuania we purchased a new digital monochrome WEB printing machine together with a folding, cutting and stacking machine to help us reduce energy consumption and waste for book production. This machine also allowed us to broaden our service package for clients.
  • We invested in Fuji digital solution in Falun, Sweden to maintain flexibility, improved operational control and longevity of our existing equipment.

To manage and reduce our energy use and climate related impacts, our daily operations are guided by ScandBook’s Environmental Policy. We review our production chains, using GHG reporting to identify sectors that require the most attention. We then assign tasks to responsible managers accordingly. Our demands extend to supplier and material selection to minimize our overall environmental impact. In recent years, our primary focus has been on Scope 3 emissions, collaborating with suppliers and partners to establish a low-emission value chain.

GHG emissions

In this report, we share our estimated GHG emissions in CO2 equivalent, calculated following the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. Our total GHG emissions at Scandbook decreased by 4,696 tCO2e (25.66%) from 2022 to 2023. This decline can be attributed to reductions in various categories, notably production goods, purchased goods and services, upstream transportation and distribution, and waste.

Our complete Greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting report for 2023 can be found on our website


Measuring unit




Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

t CO₂e




Location-based energy indirect GHG emissions (scope 2)




Market-based energy indirect GHG emissions (scope 2)




Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions




Total GHG emissions




The data inventory, emission factors and assumptions are based on the ‘GHG Protocol’. Scope 1 includes all carbon emissions that can be directly managed by the organisation (direct GHG emissions).

System boundaries were defined by the control approach, which covers all GHG emissions from activities over which Scandbook has operational control, namely the two subsidiaries Scandbook AB in Sweden and Scandbook UAB in Lithuania.

The base year for the calculation is 2021, as it is the first year when the Group started to apply the GHG Protocol calculation method.

Sources of the emission factors:

  • Fuel –  BEIS, 2023; ADEME, 2023,
  • Refrigerants – BEIS, 2023; IPCC AR5
  • Electricity (market-based) – IPCC, 2014
  • Electricity (location-based) – IEA, 2023;, 2023
  • Business travel – BEIS, 2023; CHSB, 2023
  • Freight – BEIS, 2023; Mobitool, 2023; Green Deal NL, 2021
  • Waste – World Bank waste statistics, 2024; BEIS 2023; Ecoinvent EFs v3.10
  • Purchased goods – BEIS, 2023; Ecoinvent v 3.9.1; Higgs 2022; CEDA, 2023

Tools used: online tool ClimateCalc.

The global warming potential (GWP) rates used: IPCC AR5.

Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

For full disclosure see table and information in 305-1.

Scope 2 includes indirect GHG emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, district heating (steam and  cooling – n/a) purchased by the organisation from external energy providers. Scope 2 emissions are reported using both the location-based method and the market-based method (both methods starting from 2023). South Pole adjusted the emission factors for electricity to be more in line with South Pole’s approach: instead of a regional grid average, South Pole applied the market-based approach. The market-based approach is best practice and better reflects Scandbook’s efforts to reduce emissions from electricity by procuring renewable electricity. The market-based method reflects emissions that result from electricity purchases that the company has purposefully chosen. The location-based method applies average emission factors that correspond to the grid where consumption occurs.

Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

For full disclosure see table and information in 305-1.

Scope 3 includes other indirect emissions, such as emissions from the extraction and production of purchased materials and services, vehicles not owned or controlled by the reporting entity, outsourced activities, and waste disposal.

Emission sources included in the calculation:

  • Purchased goods and services,
  • Capital goods,
  • Fuel- and energy-related activities,
  • Upstream transportation and distribution,
  • Waste generated in operations,
  • Business travel,
  • Employee commuting and teleworking,
  • Downstream transportation and distribution
  • End-of life treatment of sold products
GHG emissions intensity
GHG emissions intensity*

t CO2 eqv./metric



per 1 employee



*GHG emissions included in the intensity ratio: direct (Scope 1) and energy indirect (Scope 2).

Energy consumption within the organisation

Measuring unit



Total fuel consumption within the organisation from non-renewable sources







Natural gas



Total from non-renewable sources



Total fuel consumption within the organisation from renewable sources – 0
Indirect energy consumption by type




Heating (gas)




Total energy consumption within organisation:




Total energy consumption is calculated according to the GRI 302-1 formula. Source of the conversion factors used to convert quantities into GJ: In litres, the Group consumed a total of 9,010.6 petrol and diesel in 2023. The Group does not consume any steam or cooling energy.

Energy intensity


Energy intensity ratio*




per 1 employee



* Total energy consumption within organisation was used for calculation of the ratio.

Management of material topics

As a production company, we prioritise reducing our climate-related impacts. However, we also acknowledge and address other environmental concerns such as material consumption, water use, waste management, and biodiversity impacts. The management of all environmental topics at ScandBook is guided by our Environmental Policy and ISO 14001 Environmental management standard requirements.

In response to our customers’ requests, we have taken action to obtain various environmental certifications for our activities and products, including Ecovadis, ISO, Bookchain, CDP, and more.
Supporting sustainable forestry

Our impacts related to sustainable forestry and biodiversity lie mainly in our supply chain, and they are managed by following the acknowledged standards and obtaining relevant certifications. ScandBook has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) for Chain-of-Custody certification, as well as the Programme’s for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) standard requirements. The certificates obtained can be found on our website.

Future goals:

  • We plan to create an impact plan by diagnosing specific areas where our activities have the most significant direct or indirect impact on biodiversity and developing an effective action plan to manage it.

Resource efficiency

Efficient resource use is a core principle in our commitment to continuous environmental improvement. We aim to minimise the environmental impact of our products without compromising our quality standards.

Future goals:

  • To continuously search for new ways to optimise processes and equipment to minimise resource usage.

Water management

While water and its consumption are not a significant aspect of our production process, we remain committed to its responsible management. We have invested in equipment that filters and prevents water pollution. While we cannot directly control the generic wastewater within the sewage system, we have implemented additional treatment facilities, which are regularly inspected by environmental authorities.

Our water-related impacts are managed through annual environmental inspections and measurements of sewage and storm water pollution.

Water consumption
  2022 2023
Total water consumption from all areas 10.326 ML 10.233 ML
Amount of water treated (including stormwater) 16.298 ML 14.871 ML

Source: South Pole, based on Scandbook, 2024

Management of material topics

See disclosures 306-1 and 306-2

Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts

At Scandbook, the primary waste is generated during the production process, such as paper trimmings and printing plates. Additionally, there is waste from various packaging materials and containers used for transporting the finished products. The final product does not generate any waste from itself during its use.

Management of significant waste related impacts

To reduce our waste and its impacts, we use recycled or low-emission materials to the greatest extent possible. We optimize production and standardise our products to minimize paper waste or cutting. We loosely pack the finished product on pallets to minimize packaging, and the external packaging used for protection is fully recycled and returned to us for reuse. Almost all of the waste generated at our premises is sent for recycling.

We follow legal procedures to account for and register waste. After sorting, we entrust the waste to a certified third-party waste management company, which undergoes certification and inspections by legal authorities.

Waste generated

Measurement unit



Sent for recycling




Sent for incineration (non-recyclable waste)



Sent to landfill



Total waste generated



To determine the loaded waste’s weight, we weigh the containers before collection using a truck scale located on our premises. Recyclable waste is sent for recycling to third parties, however, we do not control whether the waste is actually recycled.

Our actions in this area align with:

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Economic (governance) area

GRI 3-3
Management of material topics

In our industry, responsible supply chain management is essential, as it directly affects product quality and production reliability. Suppliers are integral to sourcing materials such as paper and book components.

At ScandBook, we expect our suppliers to fully comply with our Suppliers code of conduct. We manage this topic by following the ISO standards, obtaining FSC, PEFC and other relevant certifications.

Supply chain related impacts are managed both based on our own initiative and in response to the requirements of our clients. We update our strategy annually and conduct regular ISO audits to ensure its effectiveness.

Our recent actions:

  • In 2023, we expanded the list of potential paper suppliers and conducted tests with paper from a new manufacturer.
  • We conducted intensive tests with vegetable-based dyes, not only in roll, but also in sheet printing.
  • We initiated preparation for compliance with the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)

Future Goals:

  • Strengthen Supplier Cooperation: We aim to continue establishing cooperation agreements with suppliers to ensure a stable and diverse supplier base.
  • Enhance Supplier Screening: In the coming years, we plan to conduct more thorough environmental and social screenings of our suppliers to ensure compliance with our sustainability standards.
New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria

All of our new suppliers were 100% screened using both social and environmental criteria to ensure they meet our standards for responsibility and compliance with industry norms. Additionally, all of our paper suppliers are FSC certified, which includes both social and environmental considerations

New suppliers that were screened using social criteria

See disclosure to 308-1.

GRI 3-3
Management of material topics

Ensuring customer satisfaction and high product quality is one of our key sustainability impacts as well as an integral component of our business model. The success of ScandBook hinges on the delivery of high-quality customer service.

To effectively manage this topic, we have implemented an ISO 9001 quality management system. Additionally, we conduct routine internal audits, which take the form of surveys or client visits. We do our best to assist our clients with any problems they face, work to understand their causes and make plans to prevent them in the future.

Customer feedback is regularly discussed during our Board meetings. When client contracts reach their expiration, we conduct reviews and renewals as necessary. Additionally, we assess our strategy by comparing the workload from each client on a quarterly basis.

Our recent achievements:

  • Successfully renewed and extended client agreements.
  • Expanded our customer base across Europe.
  • Achieved positive service and quality evaluations from North American customers.

Our future objectives include upholding our commitment to engage with clients through consistent communication, implementing client surveys to gather valuable feedback, and persistently improving the quality of our products and services.

GRI 3-3
Management of material topics

We pursue our business objectives with integrity, adhering to legal requirements and established good governance practices. By effectively managing this topic, we ensure the long-term sustainability and success of ScandBook.

Our everyday actions are guided by principles of ethical business set in our Code of conduct:

  • Standard of excellence applies to each and every aspect of our business.
  • Ethical and responsible conduct is the basis in all of our operations.
  • Individual’s rights must be protected, supported and respected.
  • Environmental safety is essential for our business.

In our activities we aim to comply with good governance practices recommended by the globally renowned Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). We also support and are guided by the United Nations Global Compact, while promoting its principles on human and workers’ rights, environmental protection, and corruption prevention.

Our future objectives include ensuring continuous adherence to established policies and conducting regular external audits to assess their effectiveness.

Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken

During the reporting period there were no recorded incidents of non-compliance with laws and regulations, including no confirmed incidents of corruption.

Our actions in this area align with:

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels